To be a better-balanced rider with a more responsive, sounder horse try our ThinLine Western Felt Pro Tech Correction Pad

If you desire to be a better-balanced rider with a more responsive, sounder horse try ThinLine.

So how does a 3/16 thick pad of ThinLine stitched onto a 1/2 thick wool felt pad make you a better-balanced rider and your horse more responsive and sounder? In a few ways

The thin, Pro-Tech Felt Saddle Pad provides more shock absorption than a 2-inch thick felt pad. ThinLine eliminates pressure points. The needled wool felt pad is soft and flexible, allowing it to fit neatly and comfortably against your horses natural confirmation. Without the extra movement and dead feel of thick pads and gel pads between you and your horse, you can better feel each other.

For the horse – Stability creates Freedom

This felt saddle pad has a wither-relief cutout which is best for moderate to low or mutton withered horses and a spine-free channel, further reducing the chance of pressure points. Comfort for the horse is improved even with saddles which are perfectly fitted.

The ThinLine also ventilates, across the pad, allowing excess heat to move out from under the saddle. Most important, to your horse, is how these pads create stability.

For the rider – Movement in Unison

The Western Pro-Tech horse saddle pads slim design puts you in closer contact with your horse, so your leg can easily drape giving you a seamless feel of his sides, allowing you to move in unison with your mount.

The ThinLine layer sewn onto the pad has a 95% shock absorption rate that spreads impact laterally along the pad. The motion you feel under you as you ride is absorbed by the ThinLine and transferred across the pad instead of up into your spine. This shock absorption benefit is being enjoyed by your horse as well.

With the reduced movement of your seat, your balance is easier to keep so staying with your horse, even during quick stops and starts, becomes second nature. You sit quieter, and he responds with a relaxed, softback, and freer strides.

The Pro-Tech is also a Pocket Correction Pad.

Full saddle fitting shims are available. These may be used as is to double your protection or trimmed and stacked to customize.

Available in Western large, medium and rounded skirt.


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